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A member registered Dec 15, 2022

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The game was awesome, now I didn't get to beat it will need to return to is but I got to round 5 but lost soooo many times lol. Even though I sucked I loved the game. Great job devs really fun game

Sup guys the game was fun. Loved the tentacles and all the wackiness. Also, loved that as the days progressed you were more a monster. The fighting was challenging but still fun. Great job devs you guys know how to throw parties.

Again this game was awesome short and sweet and I enjoyed more than I expected. Here's a short of the game. Awesome work devs.

Again, this game was awesome and fun. Loved the wackiness too. Here's a short of the wackiness.

Not going to lie this was a pretty fun game really short and sweet. Loved how one of the code is super obviously but super easy to miss which I did on my first play thru. Devs really great job loved the game.

This game was short and sweet. The Jumpscare really got me and had me laughing. All I can say is great job devs.

This game was super wacky especially the desert area. I got stuck in the highway area for a long time lol. I'm guessing there's multiple endings. But, the game was awesome the ending was very unexpected. Great job devs loved the game.

The game was pretty wacky. Loved that you can cause the microwave to exploded to bad the explosion wasn't devasting. Besides that the game was a bit too dark when the lights goes off. But, other than that really fun short game and great job dev on your first game can't wait to try the next one.

Ok, I loved this game short and sweet. Loved the jumpscared really got me hard. I made fun of the picture of the missing people because it looked funny. I also go stuck in the room where you get the knife because I'm a pro player. Devs I really enjoyed this game and I've played other games from you guys so keep it up loved the 2 endings too.

Ok for sure I'm going to check you guys other project

(1 edit)

You're welcome, I can't believe you also are the creator of perfect spot. That game was awesome

Really loved this game and hey I had a advantage because I speak spanish lol. This game was fun it, loved the puzzles and loved unolingo. Also, there is a bug which you can see in the video at around 6:55 the door to end the game you can opened it before getting the keycard which if you go there you break the game. Also, loved that you can skip the intro which replaying the game wasn't sooo bad. Great Job Devs and can't wait for the next lesson.

I enjoyed the game loved how simple it was and even got scared first time the giant eyeball came around a corner and got me. Simple short game really fun to play. Great job devs loved your work.

Pretty funny game to be honest loved the voice acting was pretty goofy. There is a moment where the game breaks sometimes when getting the rifle which kinda annoyed me because I had to replay the game from the beginning. Besides that it was a pretty fun game but I'll be honest there's free games that are on par with this one. Anyway great job devs.

This game was really fun to play. Got me with a jumpscare without having to have loud noises. Lots of dialog though but regardless it was a fun short game. Great Job devs.

Really fun game loved how you can look around while playing a game in the game. Loved how you can also see that you are moving your joystick and pressing the button. Also, how scary it was especially the suspense of a jumpscare. Good job devs!

I loved this game really got me with one of the unexpected jumpscares. Short and Sweet game, good job devs.

I loved the game it was really funny and I got scared too with some of the jump scares. Loved the ending too. Now extracting the game on windows extractor doesn't work properly which is why mine gameplay looks messed up. I didn't know this until I did some researching after playing the game. I actually replayed it too gotta edit it. Regardless, loved the game devs just make the path to the files shorter so there's no error extracting the game.

(3 edits)

Loved the game's graphics and scares. Really got me a few times loved the basketball bouncing jumpscare. Only issue with the game was how heavy it was that for the first time dropped frames while playing and recording on OBS. Can't wait for the finish product and great job devs. Just please work on the game not being so heavy on systems. My pc is pretty beefy and I never have issue running any games.

The game was short but was pretty scary because of the sense that something may jumpscare you. Unfortunately, the jumpscare wasn't scary but it was funny. Wish there was a bit more but nice job devs.

I loved they game. Loved building the snowman and loved the story. The game wasn't scary but it was fun to play. Great Jobs Devs.

This game was really fun short and sweet. Loved it had 2 endings. I got scared once wasn't too scary but it was funny especially the bad ending had me laughing. Great Job Devs loved the game. 

Loved the game wasn't scary but it was funny. Loved the chores of putting up a Christmas tree. Also, sooooo many balls for the tree had me laughing. Great job devs.

Lol I knew I remembered playing other games from Vidas Games. For sure great games keep it up.

Loved the game I'm sure I've played other games from you guys. Also, got me a few times with the jump scares. Merry Christmas Devs. 

Loved the game was funny and poor Santa.  A really short and sweet game.

Loved the game it scared the crap out of me. The ending was a real plot twisted and it made me laugh. Great job Devs loved the game.

lol no problem. I just noticed it and was like wait is this what makes the game restart. Great game though loved it.

Thank you.

Very simple game loved it. I was surprised that I actually got scared. Short and sweet.

Was funny I enjoyed playing this game. Everything is goofy but noticed a bug with the second pipe if you jump and do the butt slam the game restarts.

Loved the game even though I'm a pro player and got lost. The scared at the end was very unexpected the whole time I was super scared waiting to get a jump scare.

Freaking awesome game made me laughed from the start with the shitting sound. Also, almost game me a freaking heart attack when I went into the basement. F that locker!!!!